Monday, March 22, 2010

Living Way Foursquare

Can't even imagine how much I miss that church. I'm afraid they probably think I've just left them, because GPC has all my friends, or my boyfriend attends that church and what not. I sure hope none of those reasons cross their minds. So many times i've tried to visit, and attend church there once in a while, but unfortunately, my dad hasn't been willing to drive me there. My heart grew for God in that church. My faith grew once i started attending Living Way. Going to Living Way Foursquare was one of the biggest turning points in my life. The people are always friendly, and they NEVER hesitate to ask what's wrong, even if you didn't invite them to comfort you. I may have grown apart from really great friendships from that church, but forever they'll be in my heart. Once I get my license, for sure I'll be back to visit .

As for GPC; This church is amazing. Not only is the youth group great, and is still growing; but they are so loving, no one judges, and everyone is so freaking talented. GPC has this up beat spirit that always brings joy to me. They've helped me reconnect with God.

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