Friday, March 12, 2010

Nothing to Title

So lately, I've been completely moody. Is it just me? Or is it because it's that time of the month again. I sure hope it's only because of the blood. To much detail maybe? Oh well, that's nature, so if you're disgusted, it sorta isn't my problem. I've realized how easily angered I've been getting again, how easily annoyed, and how much attention I've been seeking. I've been super sensitive, and have been facing jealousy a lot. Though I don't show it, it's definitely there. And there's also this one person that gets to me all the time. I don't envy that specific person in general, but lets just say that I've had a several people who has put that specific person on their mind, and let that specific person cross their mind when they aren't suppose to because they have someone. Making sense? I'm not saying it's happening again, it's just a fear. So everytime i hear that name I can really care less if you're looking for them, have to ask them a question, and what not. Because all i'm thinking about is my past, and how it still fears me. Stupid am I right?

Well what else is there to say. I sorta resolved things with a friend. SORT OF. Just caught up a bit yesterday. Yelled at them, and stuff. My apology. This is why I don't vent in person or talk about what's on my mind because I yell it out. For some reason it's hard for me to talk it out calmly. Only when I'm sad i can, but if i'm mad or annoyed, then prepare to take out those ear plugs, and bring out the Kleenex. When I'm mad or sad, I cry. Call me a cry baby, but that's just how I am, whether people like it or not.

Okay, and lastly, I'm just blogging right now because I'm majorly bored right now, since I'm at the Shoreline Community College, waiting for the boyfriend, Josh, and Andy Kim finish their compass test for running start. Which btw, I have to do as well. In fact I also have to get my license, and finish history day. Fml, I'm always behind and lazy, someone just shoot me now please?

I feel like typing out more, only because I love the sound of the keyboard clicking. Puaha . How silly of me :P . Theres some lady next to me who's typing like a monster. Pretty beast. I'm gonna race her. just kidding. My arm sorta hurts right now.

Oh ! I'm performing sooon tonight at Lynnwood HS. I'm eh, sorta excited not really. I get to hear my friends sing a song that's pretty special to me. & It's also dedicated to me as well. They'll kill it, i know they will. Even if it's not me up there performing the song, Jessica is an amazing singer too !

Eh, I wonder how many time my mood has changed through this thing. I'll leave now. Gooodbye .

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